This is the support section of the TinyPNG and TinyJPG Photoshopplugin with installation instructions, additional help and tips &tricks. You can also always downloadyour plugin, license andinvoice again.
Tinypng Mac
Mac installation instructions
Installing the plugin on macOS ispretty straightforward. The download page offers you two files. Onefile contains the plugin and the other file your license. You willneed to copy both files to your Photoshop plugin folder as shownbelow.
What about Photoshop? Excellent question! Only Photoshop CC 2015 can save images as indexed PNG files with alpha transparency. With other versions it is impossible and Photoshop CS5 cannot even display them properly. You can use Save for Web to export your images as 24-bit transparent PNG files and upload them to TinyPNG. You can upload any JPEG or PNG image to the Tinify API to compress it. We will automatically detect the type of image and optimise with the TinyPNG or TinyJPG engine accordingly. Compression will start as soon as you upload a file or provide the URL to the image. You can choose a local file as the source and write it to another file.
You will receive a link to the download page by email.Download the two files.
Open Finder and go to your Adobe Photoshop installationfolder. The default folder is MacintoshHD/Applications/Adobe Photoshop .. Here you will find a foldernamed Plug-ins.
Open a second Finder window and browse to your Downloads folder. Selectboth TinyPNG-JPG.license andTinyPNG-JPG.plugin and drag these two files to thePlug-ins folder.
The plugin is now installed.
Using the plugin on Mac
Once you have installed the plugin you can start using it to savecompressed JPEG and PNG files with Adobe Photoshop.
Restart Photoshop and open an image file. Checkto make sure it is set to RGB, CMYK, lab or grayscale mode.
From the file menu click on File > Export >TinyPNG and TinyJPG...
Notice the keyboard shortcut in the screenshot? Keep reading ifyou want to use the plugin like a pro!
The plugin dialog will appear with a preview ofyour compressed PNG image. You can type in a filename and optionally change the image scaleor the folder location. Press Save and you're done!
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Windows installation instructions
The download page offers a Windows installer and a license file. Youwill need run the installer and then manually copy the license fileto your Photoshop plugin folder as shown below.
Once you have purchased the plugin you will receive a link tothe download page. Here you can download boththe installer and the license file.
Now run the installer. This will copy the plugin to your Photoshop CS5,CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018,CC 2019 or CC 2020 program folders.
If you are using a virus scanner such as Avast Business Antivirus or AVGAntiVirus and run into installation issues, you may need to temporarilydisable it.
Use Explorer to copy the TinyPNG-JPG.license file from thedownload folder to your Photoshop plugin folder. The plugin folder isusually located in C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop ..Plug-ins.
If you are using a 64 bit version of Windows, you may need to copy thelicense file twice. Photoshop is usually located inboth Program Files and Program Files (x86).
The plugin is now installed.
Using the plugin on Windows
Once you have installed the plugin you can start using it to savecompressed PNG files with Adobe Photoshop.
Restart Photoshop and open an image file. Checkto make sure it is set to RGB, CMYK, lab or grayscale mode.
From the file menu click on File > Export >TinyPNG and TinyJPG...
Notice the keyboard shortcut in the screenshot? Keep reading ifyou want to use the plugin like a pro!
The plugin dialog will appear with a preview ofyour compressed PNG image. You can type in a filename and optionally change the image scaleor the folder location. Press Save and you're done!
Tips & tricks
Below you will find a few tips and tricks which may come in handywhen using the plugin.
You can save part of your image by creatingselections. Use the Marquee Tool tocreate the selection and choose File > Export > TinyPNGand TinyJPG. The preview window will now show thisselection and will say Exporting selection atthe bottom. Hit Save and your selection will be saved.
You can also save part of your image by usingslices. Use the Slice Tool to create aslice. The currently selected slice will be indicated by ayellow border. Optionally give your slice a custom name byright-clicking and selecting Edit Slice Options... Thecustom slice name will be used for the file name instead of theimage name. Then choose File > Export > TinyPNG andTinyJPG. The preview window will now show the user sliceand will say Exporting slice at the bottom.
In Photoshop you can add a keyboard shortcut tothe plugin. To do this select Edit > KeyboardShortcuts... Navigate to Application Menus > File >Export > TinyPNG and TinyJPG.. and press your favorite keycombination. For example you can press ⌘+⇧+P. Photoshop will alert you in casethe combination is already taken.
You do not need to worry about color profiles.The images are converted automatically in sRGB for maximumcompatibility across browsers and devices.
You can use Photoshop scripting to control theplugin with JavaScript, VBScript or AppleScript. This is veryhandy for manipulating images. Using this techniquewe have created example scriptsthat compress JPEG and PNG files and an example that exportsLayer Comps to optimised images. You candownload the scriptsand copy them into your Scripts folder in Photoshop. New menuitems will appear under File > Automate and underFile > Scripts after copying the scripts to Photoshop.
The plugin supports batch automation. First youwill need to create a Photoshop action that uses the plugin.When creating the action make sure to leave the suggested filename unchanged. You can then choose File > Automate >Batch... In the dialog window that now appears you canselect the newly created action from the drop-down. UnderSource you can select the folder with all the imagesyou want to compress. The Destination needs to be setto None, because the plugin saves the JPEG and PNGfiles to its own folder. You can change this folder in theactions panel. Double click on it to select a differentdestination.
MacOS supports tabbing through dialogs, but thisis switched off by default. You can switch it on in SystemPreferences. Navigate to Keyboard and then clickon Shortcuts. Select the radio button Allcontrols shown at the bottom. Once switched on you can tabthrough the preview dialog and use the spacebar to pressbuttons. Full keyboard access can also be activated with the keycombination Ctrl+fn+F7.
The plugin supports RGB, CMYK, lab andgrayscale images. There are some image formats theplugin does not support. These are multichannel, duotone andindexed image files. The TinyPNG and TinyJPG menu option will begrayed out for these images. If you wish to export these imageformats with the plugin, you can first select Image > Mode >RGB Color and the TinyPNG and TinyJPG menu option will beactive again.
Photoshop artboards are supported. First selectany artboard or a layer within an artboard in yourLayers panel. Then choose File > Export > TinyPNGand TinyJPG to bring up the preview window and save thecurrently selected artboard.
The plugin compresses images offline, on yourown computer. No information about your usage is shared and nointernet connection is required.
Known limitations
The Export menu can be greyed out. Tofix this you will need to change the color mode of the image byselecting Image > Mode > RGB Color and Image > Mode> 8-Bits/Channel. After making these changes you should beable to export the image with the plugin.
Optimising JPEG images with the plugin canresult in slightly bigger output than with theweb service and API. The reason this may happen is that inPhotoshop only the raw image data is available,whereas the web service and the API also know the previous JPEGcompression level.
About your purchase
Your license is valid for either one computerused by many people, or several computers used by oneperson. Multi-user licenses are valid for eithermultiple computers, or multipleusers.
You can obtain additional licenses with the sameemail address. Just purchase them one after another on the plugin page. All the plugins will be shownon your download page together with the date of purchase.
In case of problems during purchase please send us a message. If you can,provide the email address and the last four digits of the creditcard number you used for your purchase. This helps us find yourorder easily.
You can download the invoice of your purchase onthe plugin download page. You can follow these instructions formacOS orWindowsto save it as a PDF.
Download again
Looking for your plugin, license orinvoice? Go to yourdashboard to view or download them again.
System requirements
The plugin is designed for Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC,CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018,CC 2019 and CC 2020.
The Mac plugin is compatible with OS X10.9 (Mavericks), OS X 10.10 (Yosemite),OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS 10.12 (Sierra),macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave),macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and macOS 11 (Big Sur).If you are unsure which version of macOSyou are running, you can easily find this out. Click on the Apple iconat the top left of your screen and choose About This Mac. Adialog will appear with the macOS version number in the middle. If youare using Photoshop CS5, make sure yourun CS5 in 64 bitwhich is the default.
The Windows plugin is compatible with 32 and 64 bitversions of Photoshop. It supports Windows 7, Windows 8,Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. If you are unsure which version ofWindows you are using you can right-click on Computer andthen on Properties. The dialog that appears will tell theversion of Windows you have installed.
Reseller instructions
The Photoshop plugin can be obtained through softwareresellers. In case you a reseller please read the followinginstructions.
Pricing, maintenance and support costs
The reseller price for the Photoshop plugin is the same as the pricefor regular customers. There are no special reseller discounts,preferred supplier arrangements or exclusive reseller contracts.Best-effort support is included in the price of the plugin and thereare no mandatory maintenance costs. Customers and resellers havemoney back guarantee if the product is unsatisfactory. There are nodiscount offers, but occasionally we give away a discount when acompany buys many plugins at once. For example, if a reseller orders20 plugins, we may give away 1 or 2 plugins for free.
Payment procedure
The Export menu can be greyed out. Tofix this you will need to change the color mode of the image byselecting Image > Mode > RGB Color and Image > Mode> 8-Bits/Channel. After making these changes you should beable to export the image with the plugin.
Optimising JPEG images with the plugin canresult in slightly bigger output than with theweb service and API. The reason this may happen is that inPhotoshop only the raw image data is available,whereas the web service and the API also know the previous JPEGcompression level.
About your purchase
Your license is valid for either one computerused by many people, or several computers used by oneperson. Multi-user licenses are valid for eithermultiple computers, or multipleusers.
You can obtain additional licenses with the sameemail address. Just purchase them one after another on the plugin page. All the plugins will be shownon your download page together with the date of purchase.
In case of problems during purchase please send us a message. If you can,provide the email address and the last four digits of the creditcard number you used for your purchase. This helps us find yourorder easily.
You can download the invoice of your purchase onthe plugin download page. You can follow these instructions formacOS orWindowsto save it as a PDF.
Download again
Looking for your plugin, license orinvoice? Go to yourdashboard to view or download them again.
System requirements
The plugin is designed for Photoshop CS5, CS6, CC,CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018,CC 2019 and CC 2020.
The Mac plugin is compatible with OS X10.9 (Mavericks), OS X 10.10 (Yosemite),OS X 10.11 (El Capitan), macOS 10.12 (Sierra),macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave),macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and macOS 11 (Big Sur).If you are unsure which version of macOSyou are running, you can easily find this out. Click on the Apple iconat the top left of your screen and choose About This Mac. Adialog will appear with the macOS version number in the middle. If youare using Photoshop CS5, make sure yourun CS5 in 64 bitwhich is the default.
The Windows plugin is compatible with 32 and 64 bitversions of Photoshop. It supports Windows 7, Windows 8,Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. If you are unsure which version ofWindows you are using you can right-click on Computer andthen on Properties. The dialog that appears will tell theversion of Windows you have installed.
Reseller instructions
The Photoshop plugin can be obtained through softwareresellers. In case you a reseller please read the followinginstructions.
Pricing, maintenance and support costs
The reseller price for the Photoshop plugin is the same as the pricefor regular customers. There are no special reseller discounts,preferred supplier arrangements or exclusive reseller contracts.Best-effort support is included in the price of the plugin and thereare no mandatory maintenance costs. Customers and resellers havemoney back guarantee if the product is unsatisfactory. There are nodiscount offers, but occasionally we give away a discount when acompany buys many plugins at once. For example, if a reseller orders20 plugins, we may give away 1 or 2 plugins for free.
Payment procedure
Credit card and PayPal payments are supported. Resellers can use thesame order formfor the purchase as regular customers.
The order form asks for Personal information. Here thereseller can fill in their reseller company name and email address.The payment receipt and invoice will be send to this address.Resellers from the European Union will also need to specify theirVAT number. Under Payment details the credit cardinformation can be filled in or the option to pay with PayPal can bechosen.
Alternatively we can manually process the order without using theorder form. The reseller will need to send their purchase orderincluding number of plugins, operating system, end-user name,end-user email address, credit card number, credit card expiry dateand CVC number. We can then process the credit card payment onbehalf of the reseller.
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Shipment and delivery
The reseller is asked to provide the name and email address of theend user. After purchase the software and license will betransferred and shipped electronically to the end user. This is amanual step in the process.
The end user will be granted download access on thePhotoshop dashboard. Here they candownload the software and license. It also shows the installationinstructions and allows downloading minor software updates infuture. The software can be mailed directly in case end users havedifficulty in accessing the dashboard.
The reseller can download the invoice and view all previouspurchases from their Invoicesdashboard.
Future plugin updates
We are continuously improving the plugin and thecompression logic. These updates are available freely fromthe download page.
Tinypng Tinyjpg Photoshop Plugin For Mac Free
More help & support
Tinypng Tinyjpg Photoshop Plugin For Mac Os
We hope to further enhance the plugin and your feedback isvery valuable. If you need assistance or if youhave ideas for improvement we'd like to hear fromyou! Send us a message andpossibly add some screenshots or examples of your ideas. We'll workwith you from there.